the saga continues

The surgery this morning went well. Evidently the ridiculous pain had been caused by a regular old ovarian cyst that had stopped being a pain because it had mostly been reabsorbed by my body. The oncologist made the smart decision to remove it anyway because once one of those little suckers grows cysts they’re likely to keep growing them and if she had opened me up and not taken anything I’ve have been super pissed. Especially after this…

Yes, that is the IV stuck in my foot. My arms and hands look like damn pin cushions and I’m covered in bruises. Fortunately by that point I was desperate, crying a little, and the anesthesia doc who put it in got it on the first poke. Yay.

The surgery itself went so well that I went in the OR at 8 and was at home by 11.

I am much less pleased with the breast biopsy results, which didn’t come until this afternoon during my nap. What they found is not cancer, yay, but it something that typically turns into cancer, boo. So tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with my regular doc to find out what the next phase of this adventure actually is.

For the record, we are not amused.

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