it’s a chocolate chai tea with salted caramel honey kind of morning

Let’s get the unpleasantness out of the way first…

This is the shawl for Mom’s friend. It’s not really a pattern, just garter stitch, slip the first stitch of each row, and on the odd rows I’m doing a kfb on the last stitch. BORING. And because the yarn is just one color, it’s even worse. But this is what she asked for. Don’t get me wrong, the yarn is lovely. It’s soft and smooth and the bit of metallic is quite nice. But it should be used for something more intricate than this.

This, kiddos, is why I don’t do commission work.

Anyway, I think it’s going to go fast. I just started last night and I’m making good progress already. It’s going to have to be blocked, at least lightly, because the increase edge is rolling like crazy.

Once I get this done I’ll get back to working on my own projects. I’d really like to get the beaded shawl done soon. It’s going to look great with some of my black outfits.

Speaking of things looking great with black…

When Lancelot and I went to the art museum this summer I picked up this beautiful hand painted silk scarf. I think it looks amazing with my new purple hair. I decided to go with two shades of the same purple this time instead of the silver in front. I’m digging it.

So, the title of today’s post, perhaps it has piqued your curiosity? The weather here is finally turning to proper autumn and that means it was kind of chilly this morning. Like, I’m wearing leggings under my dress and I wore shoes that are much more “shoe” than “sandal.” So I decided I wanted something warm. Tazo makes chocolate chai tea bags that are quite delightful. I’ve brewed myself a nice big cup and sweetened it with Salted Caramel creamed honey from a local beekeeper. Love it.

3 thoughts on “it’s a chocolate chai tea with salted caramel honey kind of morning”

    1. Thank you! I’ve gotten a ton of compliments on it so far. Guess I should wear it more often!

      When people find out that I knit and make jewelry they always ask why I don’t sell what I make. This is why.

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  1. I love handpainted scarves. I have one. πŸ˜‰ Yours is a perfect color combination for you. I don’t like doing commission work either. Sometimes you just can’t say no. You can try though. πŸ˜‰ The tea with that unusual honey sounds wonderful. Hmmm.

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